# REST API and APIClient

The OpenLaw REST API is an interface in the OpenLaw protocol for querying, saving, and changing data in an OpenLaw instance. The class APIClient library in APIClient.js (opens new window) serves as a convenient wrapper to the REST API and can be used for many of the method calls. The API methods are categorized below.

Parameters for REST calls

For GET requests, any parameters not included as a segment in the path can be passed as an HTTP query string parameter.

For POST requests, any parameters not included as a segment in the path should be data of the specified Content-Type.


In order to use the APIClient method calls, a class instance will first need to be instantiated with the root URL of an OpenLaw instance. For example:

apiClient = new APIClient("https://lib.openlaw.io/api/v1/default");

Including just the root URL as shown above will be sufficient in most cases. But in cases where basic authentication has been enabled as further protection in addition to logging into an OpenLaw instance, you can include the appropriate user credentials:

apiClient = new APIClient({
  root: "https://openlaw-instance-with-basic-auth.openlaw.io/api/v1/default",
  auth: {
    username: "<username>",
    password: "<password>",

Each method below will include example usage of the APIClient library (with the apiClient instance) if available.

# Authentication

Unless otherwise specified, each of the resources can be accessed by a logged in user with a StandardUser role, which is the default permission for a newly-registered user, or an Admin role, which has greater permissions as explained in the toAdminUser method below.

We use JSON Web Tokens (JWT) (opens new window) to handle authentication. For every call that needs authentication (user with a StandardUser role or an Admin role), you will need to pass the JWT in the headers under the value OPENLAW_JWT.

The class APIClient handles setting the token in the headers automatically for convenience. Subsequent method calls on the APIClient class instance after login will already have the JWT set. However, you will need to handle passing the JWT in the headers if you implement the REST calls without the APIClient wrapper.

# login

POST /app/login

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Name Type Description
userId string Required. The ID (email) of the user.
password string Required. The user password.

Example form data



apiClient.login("openlawuser+1@gmail.com", "password1234");


Returns a promise which resolves with an object containing headers with the OPENLAW_JWT (e.g., eyAiaXNzIjogImVraW5vLmNvbSIsICJuYW1lIjogIkpvaG4gRG9lIiwgImFkbWluIjogdHJ1ZSB9).

# Template

# getTemplateById

Get template by its ID.

GET /template/id/raw/:id


Name Type Description
id string Required. The template ID.


GET /template/id/raw/39437de827f8374899d7f7e817193894749872394




Returns a promise which resolves with a JSON object containing information about the retrieved template, including its content.


  "id": "d76ede8ca437f6da06b1e09f115393318faf29fdc5bdaaf0b2e889886136edf4",
  "title": "Advisor Agreement",
  "content": "This Advisor Agreement is entered into between [[Company Name: Text]] (\"Corporation\") and [[Advisor Name]] (\"Advisor\") as of [[Effective Date: Date]] (\"Effective Date\"). Company and Advisor agree as follows:  \n\n^ **Services**. Advisor agrees to consult with and advise Company from time to time, at Company's request (the \"Services\"). {{No Services \"Do you want to limit the advisor's services?\"  While this Agreement is is effect, Advisor will not provide services to any company active in the field of [[Noncompete Field \"What field should the advisor not participate in?\"]].}}\n\n**COMPANY:**\n[[Company Signatory Email: Identity | Signature]]\n\n___________________\nName: [[Company Signatory]]\nAddress: [[Company Address: Address]]\n\n\n**ADVISOR:**\n[[Advisor Email: Identity | Signature]]\n\n___________________\nName: [[Advisor Name]]\nAddress: [[Advisor Address: Address]]\n",
  "templateType": "agreement"

# getTemplate

Get template by its title.

GET /template/raw/:title


Name Type Description
title string Required. The title of the template.


GET /template/raw/Advisor%20Agreement


apiClient.getTemplate("Advisor Agreement");


Returns a promise which resolves with a JSON object containing information about the retrieved template, including its content.


  "id": "d76ede8ca437f6da06b1e09f115393318faf29fdc5bdaaf0b2e889886136edf4",
  "title": "Advisor Agreement",
  "content": "This Advisor Agreement is entered into between [[Company Name: Text]] (\"Corporation\") and [[Advisor Name]] (\"Advisor\") as of [[Effective Date: Date]] (\"Effective Date\"). Company and Advisor agree as follows:  \n\n^ **Services**. Advisor agrees to consult with and advise Company from time to time, at Company's request (the \"Services\"). {{No Services \"Do you want to limit the advisor's services?\"  While this Agreement is is effect, Advisor will not provide services to any company active in the field of [[Noncompete Field \"What field should the advisor not participate in?\"]].}}\n\n**COMPANY:**\n[[Company Signatory Email: Identity | Signature]]\n\n___________________\nName: [[Company Signatory]]\nAddress: [[Company Address: Address]]\n\n\n**ADVISOR:**\n[[Advisor Email: Identity | Signature]]\n\n___________________\nName: [[Advisor Name]]\nAddress: [[Advisor Address: Address]]\n",
  "templateType": "agreement"

# getTemplateVersion

Get template by its title and a specific version.

GET /template/raw/:title/:version


Name Type Description
title string Required. The title of the template.
version string Required. The version number of the template.


GET /template/raw/Advisor%20Agreement/15


apiClient.getTemplateVersion("Advisor Agreement", "15");


Returns a promise which resolves with a string representation of the template's raw content.


"This Advisor Agreement is entered into between [[Company Name: Text]] (\"Corporation\") and [[Advisor Name]] (\"Advisor\") as of [[Effective Date: Date]] (\"Effective Date\"). Company and Advisor agree as follows:  \n\n^ **Services**. Advisor agrees to consult with and advise Company from time to time, at Company's request (the \"Services\"). {{No Services \"Do you want to limit the advisor's services?\"  While this Agreement is is effect, Advisor will not provide services to any company active in the field of [[Noncompete Field \"What field should the advisor not participate in?\"]].}}\n\n**COMPANY:**\n[[Company Signatory Email: Identity | Signature]]\n\n___________________\nName: [[Company Signatory]]\nAddress: [[Company Address: Address]]\n\n\n**ADVISOR:**\n[[Advisor Email: Identity | Signature]]\n\n___________________\nName: [[Advisor Name]]\nAddress: [[Advisor Address: Address]]\n"

# getTemplateVersions

List saved versions of a template.

GET /templates/version


Name Type Description
title string Required. The title of the template.
pageSize number Required. The number of versions to display on page.
page number Required. Which group of versions to display. Each group consists of pageSize versions.


GET /templates/version?title=Advisor%20Agreement&pageSize=10&page=1


apiClient.getTemplateVersions("Advisor Agreement", 10, 1);


Returns a promise which resolves with an array of JSON objects containing information about the retrieved template versions.


    "id": "d76ede8ca437f6da06b1e09f115393318faf29fdc5bdaaf0b2e889886136edf4",
    "title": "Advisor Agreement",
    "timestamp": 1537509029000,
    "version": 15,
    "templateType": "agreement",
    "creatorId": "openlawuser+1"
    "id": "8a1e1471d3d38b8c1ab44092388089814b7d986375648fb441719680917e6730",
    "title": "Advisor Agreement",
    "timestamp": 1537509001000,
    "version": 14,
    "templateType": "agreement",
    "creatorId": "openlawuser+2"
    "id": "7f86a0db26f2014e1ebceec214f4a7bfa004741b1bfc1448c4914e3bc17c0804",
    "title": "Advisor Agreement",
    "timestamp": 1537444950000,
    "version": 13,
    "templateType": "agreement",
    "creatorId": "openlawuser+1"

# templateSearch

List templates based on search by title.

GET /templates/search


Name Type Description
keyword string Required. The search term to filter retrieved templates. Leaving keyword empty (an empty string for apiClient) will return all templates.
page number Required. Which group of templates to display. Each group consists of pageSize templates.
pageSize number Required. The number of templates to display on page.


GET /templates/search?keyword=employee&page=1&pageSize=10


apiClient.templateSearch("employee", 1, 10);


Returns a JSON object containing the number of search hits and data for the retrieved templates.


  "nbHits": 3,
  "data": [
      "id": "9958a927caafaf6d406bfa3ee3c0c43980aab21050f9573be2c75787bd3f5dd9",
      "title": "Employee Offer Letter",
      "templateType": "agreement"
      "id": "c718cd447e674042d3f2ac843439c18cd04e921869e389959943fc9991123632",
      "title": "Employee Onboarding",
      "templateType": "deal"
      "id": "22cc8da7f456abca9286be5957a40a0a32cce3f28c13fa848a0936a8518b6c02",
      "title": "Employee Stock Award",
      "templateType": "agreement"

# saveTemplate

Save a template after changes are made.

POST /upload/template/:title

Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8


Name Type Description
title string Required. The title of the template.
value string Required. The template content to be saved.

Example (with value payload)

POST /upload/template/Advisor%20Agreement

This Advisor Agreement is entered into by and between [[Company Name: Text]] (\"Corporation\") and [[Advisor Name]] (\"Advisor\") as of [[Effective Date: Date]] (\"Effective Date\"). Company and Advisor agree as follows:  \n\n^ **Services**. Advisor agrees to consult with and advise Company from time to time, at Company's request (the \"Services\"). {{No Services \"Do you want to limit the advisor's services?\"  While this Agreement is is effect, Advisor will not provide services to any company active in the field of [[Noncompete Field \"What field should the advisor not participate in?\"]].}}\n\n**COMPANY:**\n[[Company Signatory Email: Identity | Signature]]\n\n___________________\nName: [[Company Signatory]]\nAddress: [[Company Address: Address]]\n\n\n**ADVISOR:**\n[[Advisor Email: Identity | Signature]]\n\n___________________\nName [[Advisor Name]]\nAddress: [[Advisor Address: Address]]\n


const value =
  'This Advisor Agreement is entered into by and between [[Company Name: Text]] ("Corporation") and [[Advisor Name]] ("Advisor") as of [[Effective Date: Date]] ("Effective Date"). Company and Advisor agree as follows:  \n\n^ **Services**. Advisor agrees to consult with and advise Company from time to time, at Company\'s request (the "Services"). {{No Services "Do you want to limit the advisor\'s services?"  While this Agreement is is effect, Advisor will not provide services to any company active in the field of [[Noncompete Field "What field should the advisor not participate in?"]].}}\n\n**COMPANY:**\n[[Company Signatory Email: Identity | Signature]]\n\n___________________\nName: [[Company Signatory]]\nAddress: [[Company Address: Address]]\n\n\n**ADVISOR:**\n[[Advisor Email: Identity | Signature]]\n\n___________________\nName: [[Advisor Name]]\nAddress: [[Advisor Address: Address]]\n';
apiClient.saveTemplate("Advisor Agreement", value);


Returns a JSON object containing information about the saved template.


  "id": "29f529e7f819fa2beb1c4a8bf258a15cfe46dad4f91538ebedbd1fb7299bbc55",
  "title": "Advisor Agreement",
  "content": "This Advisor Agreement is entered into by and between [[Company Name: Text]] (\"Corporation\") and [[Advisor Name]] (\"Advisor\") as of [[Effective Date: Date]] (\"Effective Date\"). Company and Advisor agree as follows:  \n\n^ **Services**. Advisor agrees to consult with and advise Company from time to time, at Company's request (the \"Services\"). {{No Services \"Do you want to limit the advisor's services?\"  While this Agreement is is effect, Advisor will not provide services to any company active in the field of [[Noncompete Field \"What field should the advisor not participate in?\"]].}}\n\n**COMPANY:**\n[[Company Signatory Email: Identity | Signature]]\n\n___________________\nName: [[Company Signatory]]\nAddress: [[Company Address: Address]]\n\n\n**ADVISOR:**\n[[Advisor Email: Identity | Signature]]\n\n___________________\nName: [[Advisor Name]]\nAddress: [[Advisor Address: Address]]\n",
  "templateType": "agreement"

# renameTemplate

Change title of template.

GET /templates/rename


Name Type Description
name string Required. The current title of the template to be renamed.
newName string Required. The new title of the template.


GET /templates/rename?name=Advisor%20Agreement&newName=New%20Advisor%20Agreement


apiClient.renameTemplate("Advisor Agreement", "New Advisor Agreement");


Returns "renamed" if template was successfully renamed.

# deleteTemplate

Delete a template.


This resource can only be accessed by a logged in user with an Admin role as further explained in the toAdminUser method.

GET /templates/delete


Name Type Description
name string Required. The name of the template to be deleted.


GET /templates/delete?name=Loan%20Agreement


apiClient.deleteTemplate("Loan Agreement");


Returns "Template deleted!" if template was successfully deleted.

# restoreTemplate

Restore a previously deleted template.


This resource can only be accessed by a logged in user with an Admin role as further explained in the toAdminUser method.

GET /templates/restore


Name Type Description
name string Required. The name of the template to be restored.


GET /templates/restore?name=Loan%20Agreement


apiClient.restoreTemplate("Loan Agreement");


Returns "Template restored!" if template was successfully restored.

# searchDeletedTemplates

List deleted templates based on search by title.


This resource can only be accessed by a logged in user with an Admin role as further explained in the toAdminUser method.

GET /templates/searchDeleted


Name Type Description
keyword string Required. The search term to filter retrieved deleted templates. Leaving keyword empty (an empty string for apiClient) will return all deleted templates.
page number Required. Which group of deleted templates to display. Each group consists of pageSize deleted templates.
pageSize number Required. The number of deleted templates to display on page.


GET /templates/searchDeleted?keyword=employee&page=1&pageSize=10


apiClient.searchDeletedTemplates("employee", 1, 10);


Returns a JSON object containing the number of search hits and the names of the retrieved deleted templates.


  "nbHits": 2,
  "data": ["Insider Trading Policy for Employees", "Employee Stock Award"]

# downloadAsDocx

Download template as Word file.

Browser only

This request can be made only in a browser and not in a Node.js environment.

POST /download/contract/docx

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Name Type Description
params Object Required. The object containing information about the template to be downloaded.

Example form data

data: {"content":"This Advisor Agreement is entered into between [[Company Name]] (\"Corporation\") and [[Advisor Name]] (\"Advisor\") as of [[Effective Date: Date]] (\"Effective Date\"). Company and Advisor agree as follows:  \n\n^ **Services**. Advisor agrees to consult with and advise Company from time to time, at Company's request (the \"Services\"). {{No Services \"Do you want to limit the advisor's services?\"  While this Agreement is is effect, Advisor will not provide services to any company active in the field of [[Noncompete Field \"What field should the advisor not participate in?\"]].}}\n\n**COMPANY:**\n\n[[Company Signatory Email: Identity | Signature]]\n___________________\nName: [[Company Signatory]]\nAddress: [[Company Address: Address]]\n\n\n**ADVISOR:**\n\n[[Advisor Email: Identity | Signature]]\n___________________\nName: [[Advisor Name]]\nAddress: [[Advisor Address: Address]]\n","title":"Advisor Agreement","parameters":{},"paragraphs":{},"templates":{}}


const params = {
    'This Advisor Agreement is entered into between [[Company Name]] ("Corporation") and [[Advisor Name]] ("Advisor") as of [[Effective Date: Date]] ("Effective Date"). Company and Advisor agree as follows:  \n\n^ **Services**. Advisor agrees to consult with and advise Company from time to time, at Company\'s request (the "Services"). {{No Services "Do you want to limit the advisor\'s services?"  While this Agreement is is effect, Advisor will not provide services to any company active in the field of [[Noncompete Field "What field should the advisor not participate in?"]].}}\n\n**COMPANY:**\n\n[[Company Signatory Email: Identity | Signature]]\n___________________\nName: [[Company Signatory]]\nAddress: [[Company Address: Address]]\n\n\n**ADVISOR:**\n\n[[Advisor Email: Identity | Signature]]\n___________________\nName: [[Advisor Name]]\nAddress: [[Advisor Address: Address]]\n',
  title: "Advisor Agreement",
  parameters: {},
  paragraphs: {},
  templates: {},

# downloadAsPdf

Download template as PDF file.

Browser only

This request can be made only in a browser and not in a Node.js environment.

POST /download/contract/pdf

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Name Type Description
params Object Required. The object containing information about the template to be downloaded.

Example form data

data: {"content":"This Advisor Agreement is entered into between [[Company Name]] (\"Corporation\") and [[Advisor Name]] (\"Advisor\") as of [[Effective Date: Date]] (\"Effective Date\"). Company and Advisor agree as follows:  \n\n^ **Services**. Advisor agrees to consult with and advise Company from time to time, at Company's request (the \"Services\"). {{No Services \"Do you want to limit the advisor's services?\"  While this Agreement is is effect, Advisor will not provide services to any company active in the field of [[Noncompete Field \"What field should the advisor not participate in?\"]].}}\n\n**COMPANY:**\n\n[[Company Signatory Email: Identity | Signature]]\n___________________\nName: [[Company Signatory]]\nAddress: [[Company Address: Address]]\n\n\n**ADVISOR:**\n\n[[Advisor Email: Identity | Signature]]\n___________________\nName: [[Advisor Name]]\nAddress: [[Advisor Address: Address]]\n","title":"Advisor Agreement","parameters":{},"paragraphs":{},"templates":{}}


const params = {
    'This Advisor Agreement is entered into between [[Company Name]] ("Corporation") and [[Advisor Name]] ("Advisor") as of [[Effective Date: Date]] ("Effective Date"). Company and Advisor agree as follows:  \n\n^ **Services**. Advisor agrees to consult with and advise Company from time to time, at Company\'s request (the "Services"). {{No Services "Do you want to limit the advisor\'s services?"  While this Agreement is is effect, Advisor will not provide services to any company active in the field of [[Noncompete Field "What field should the advisor not participate in?"]].}}\n\n**COMPANY:**\n\n[[Company Signatory Email: Identity | Signature]]\n___________________\nName: [[Company Signatory]]\nAddress: [[Company Address: Address]]\n\n\n**ADVISOR:**\n\n[[Advisor Email: Identity | Signature]]\n___________________\nName: [[Advisor Name]]\nAddress: [[Advisor Address: Address]]\n',
  title: "Advisor Agreement",
  parameters: {},
  paragraphs: {},
  templates: {},

# downloadTemplateAsJson

Download template as JSON file.

Browser only

This request can be made only in a browser and not in a Node.js environment.

GET /templates/json/:title


Name Type Description
title string Required. The title of the template to be downloaded.


GET /templates/json/Advisor%20Agreement


apiClient.downloadTemplateAsJson("Advisor Agreement");

# Draft

# uploadDraft

Upload a draft which generates a draft ID.

POST /upload/draft

Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8


Name Type Description
params Object Required. The object containing information about the draft to be uploaded.

Example params payload

  "templateId": "29f529e7f819fa2beb1c4a8bf258a15cfe46dad4f91538ebedbd1fb7299bbc55",
  "title": "Advisor Agreement",
  "text": "This Advisor Agreement is entered into between [[Company Name: Text]] (\"Corporation\") and [[Advisor Name]] (\"Advisor\") as of [[Effective Date: Date]] (\"Effective Date\"). Company and Advisor agree as follows:  \n\n^ **Services**. Advisor agrees to consult with and advise Company from time to time, at Company's request (the \"Services\"). {{No Services \"Do you want to limit the advisor's services?\"  While this Agreement is is effect, Advisor will not provide services to any company active in the field of [[Noncompete Field \"What field should the advisor not participate in?\"]].}}\n\n**COMPANY:**\n[[Company Signatory Email: Identity | Signature]]\n\n___________________\nName: [[Company Signatory]]\nAddress: [[Company Address: Address]]\n\n\n**ADVISOR:**\n[[Advisor Email: Identity | Signature]]\n\n___________________\nName: [[Advisor Name]]\nAddress: [[Advisor Address: Address]]\n",
  "creator": "8f26427b-0853-469b-a4f1-132190b7373e",
  "parameters": {
    "Company Name": "ABC, Inc.",
    "Company Signatory Email": "{\"id\":{\"id\":\"8f26427b-0853-469b-a4f1-132190b7373e\"},\"email\":\"openlawuser+1@gmail.com\",\"identifiers\":[{\"identityProviderId\":\"openlaw\",\"identifier\":\"openlawuser+1@gmail.com\"}]}",
    "Advisor Email": "{\"id\":{\"id\":\"38e0eb6b-0d52-4fd8-a77d-19686fd3843a\"},\"email\":\"openlawuser+2@gmail.com\",\"identifiers\":[{\"identityProviderId\":\"openlaw\",\"identifier\":\"openlawuser+2@gmail.com\"}]}"
  "overriddenParagraphs": {},
  "agreements": {},
  "readonlyEmails": [],
  "editEmails": [],
  "draftId": ""


const params = {
  title: "Advisor Agreement",
    'This Advisor Agreement is entered into between [[Company Name: Text]] ("Corporation") and [[Advisor Name]] ("Advisor") as of [[Effective Date: Date]] ("Effective Date"). Company and Advisor agree as follows:  \n\n^ **Services**. Advisor agrees to consult with and advise Company from time to time, at Company\'s request (the "Services"). {{No Services "Do you want to limit the advisor\'s services?"  While this Agreement is is effect, Advisor will not provide services to any company active in the field of [[Noncompete Field "What field should the advisor not participate in?"]].}}\n\n**COMPANY:**\n[[Company Signatory Email: Identity | Signature]]\n\n___________________\nName: [[Company Signatory]]\nAddress: [[Company Address: Address]]\n\n\n**ADVISOR:**\n[[Advisor Email: Identity | Signature]]\n\n___________________\nName: [[Advisor Name]]\nAddress: [[Advisor Address: Address]]\n',
  creator: "8f26427b-0853-469b-a4f1-132190b7373e",
  parameters: {
    "Company Name": "ABC, Inc.",
    "Company Signatory Email":
    "Advisor Email":
  overriddenParagraphs: {},
  agreements: {},
  readonlyEmails: [],
  editEmails: [],
  draftId: "",


Returns a promise which resolves with the string ID of the uploaded draft.



# getDraftVersion

Get user's draft by its ID and version.

GET /draft/raw/:draftId/:version


Name Type Description
draftId string Required. The ID of the draft.
version number Required. The version number of the draft.
accessToken string The access token representing the requestor. If not specified, the current user will be used to determine who is the requestor.


GET /draft/raw/2dbbe1c23657f96d58de18ece4c0b311cc26fbca2551e8dc40d174af1046a00e/1?accessToken=28394728947829374823723428742389462378423874




Returns a promise which resolves with a JSON object containing information about the retrieved draft, including its content.


  "parameters": [
      "Advisor Address",
      "{\"placeId\":\"ChIJWbGLkg9gwokR76ZxzYbdnpM\",\"streetName\":\"Main Street\",\"streetNumber\":\"123\",\"city\":\"Queens\",\"state\":\"New York\",\"country\":\"United States\",\"zipCode\":\"11354\",\"formattedAddress\":\"123 Main St, Flushing, NY 11354, USA\"}"
    ["Effective Date", "1537340400000"],
    ["Unit of Vesting", "250"],
    ["Company Name", "ABC, Inc."],
    ["Number of Shares", "1000"],
    ["Company Signatory", "Jane Davis"],
    ["Advisor Name", "John Smith"],
      "Advisor Email",
    ["Time of Vesting", "Yearly"],
      "Company Address",
      "{\"placeId\":\"EiI5ODcgTWFpbiBTdHJlZXQsIE5ldyBZb3JrLCBOWSwgVVNB\",\"streetName\":\"Main Street\",\"streetNumber\":\"987\",\"city\":\"Brooklyn\",\"state\":\"New York\",\"country\":\"United States\",\"zipCode\":\"11201\",\"formattedAddress\":\"987 Main St, Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA\"}"
    ["Years Vesting", "4"],
    ["No Services", "false"],
      "Company Signatory Email",
  "paragraphs": [
        "0": "This Advisor Agreement is entered into between [[Company Name]] (\"Corporation\") and John Smith (\"Advisor\") as of September 19, 2018 (\"Effective Date\"). The parties agree as follows:"
  "content": "This Advisor Agreement is entered into between [[Company Name]] (\"Corporation\") and [[Advisor Name]] (\"Advisor\") as of [[Effective Date: Date]] (\"Effective Date\"). Company and Advisor agree as follows:  \n\n^ **Services**. Advisor agrees to consult with and advise Company from time to time, at Company's request (the \"Services\"). {{No Services \"Do you want to limit the advisor's services?\"  While this Agreement is is effect, Advisor will not provide services to any company active in the field of [[Noncompete Field \"What field should the advisor not participate in?\"]].}}\n\n**COMPANY:**\n[[Company Signatory Email: Identity | Signature]]\n\n___________________\nName: [[Company Signatory]]\nAddress: [[Company Address: Address]]\n\n\n**ADVISOR:**\n[[Advisor Email: Identity | Signature]]\n\n___________________\nName: [[Advisor Name]]\nAddress: [[Advisor Address: Address]]\n",
  "templates": {}

# getDraftVersions

List saved versions of a user's draft.

GET /drafts/version


Name Type Description
draftId string Required. The ID of the draft.
pageSize number Required. The number of versions to display on page.
page number Required. Which group of versions to display. Each group consists of pageSize versions.
accessToken string The access token representing the requestor. If not specified, the current user will be used to determine who is the requestor.


GET /drafts/version?draftId=84a6b2cf1f197ffced3ec875e6e9b93246a4b0aa3be7e24ff6e718ef9fac50a7&pageSize=10&page=1&accessToken=28394728947829374823723428742389462378423874




Returns a promise which resolves with an array of JSON objects containing information about the retrieved draft versions.


    "timestamp": 1537368290,
    "creatorId": "8f26427b-0853-469b-a4f1-132190b7373e",
    "version": 2
    "timestamp": 1537305436,
    "creatorId": "38e0eb6b-0d52-4fd8-a77d-19686fd3843a",
    "version": 1

# searchDrafts

List user's drafts based on search by title, alias (private name), and signatories.

GET /drafts/search


Name Type Description
keyword string Required. The search term to filter retrieved drafts. Leaving keyword empty (an empty string for apiClient) will return all drafts.
page number Required. Which group of drafts to display. Each group consists of pageSize drafts.
pageSize number Required. The number of drafts to display on page.
sortBy string Required. The way in which returned drafts are to be sorted: creationdate, privatename, or title.


GET /drafts/search?keyword=advisor&page=1&pageSize=10&sortBy=creationdate


apiClient.searchDrafts("advisor", 1, 10, "creationdate");


Returns a JSON object containing the number of search hits and data for the retrieved drafts.


  "nbHits": 3,
  "data": [
      "id": "f855e235132e84e94b2de69ac9c5be41faf55d5d3842ea55cd599af79ad0ab57",
      "title": "Advisor Agreement",
      "creator": "openlawuser+1",
      "creationDate": 1537529656000,
      "privateName": "Advisor Agreement",
      "signatories": [
      "id": "cb3ba52ccd277f650859f60b9a4cf8284393827121e86861a6a79a61868f37ca",
      "title": "Advisor Agreement",
      "creator": "openlawuser+1",
      "creationDate": 1537527568000,
      "privateName": "Advisor Agreement",
      "signatories": [
      "id": "dad983eabe93c7fbf43f3969cc2b7509bccf2370b88b4d0710a857ace071ea3d",
      "title": "Advisor Agreement",
      "creator": "openlawuser+1",
      "creationDate": 1537527030000,
      "privateName": "Advisor Agreement",
      "signatories": [

# sendDraft

Send a draft to other users.

POST /send/draft

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Name Type Description
readonlyEmails Array<string> An array of users' emails who will have read-only access to the draft.
editEmails Array<string> An array of users' emails who will have access to edit the draft.
id string Required. The ID of the draft to be sent.

Example form data



  ["openlawuser+4@gmail.com", "openlawuser+5@gmail.com"],

# changeDraftAlias

Change alias (private name) of user's draft.

GET /draft/alias/:draftId


Name Type Description
draftId string Required. The ID of the draft to be given a new alias.
newName string Required. The new alias of the draft.


GET /draft/alias/cb3ba52ccd277f650859f60b9a4cf8284393827121e86861a6a79a61868f37ca?draftId=cb3ba52ccd277f650859f60b9a4cf8284393827121e86861a6a79a61868f37ca&newName=Advisor%20Agreement%20Draft%20Copy


  "Advisor Agreement Draft Copy"


Returns "name changed" if alias was successfully changed.

# downloadDraftAsDocx

Download draft as Word file. (Note: The POST request here to download a Word file of a draft is the same as the request above to download a Word file of a template. You'll notice from the example form data that a draft includes more parameters that have been filled in by a user.)

Browser only

This request can be made only in a browser and not in a Node.js environment.

POST /download/contract/docx

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Name Type Description
params Object Required. The object containing information about the draft to be downloaded.

Example form data

data: {"content":"This Advisor Agreement is entered into between [[Company Name]] (\"Corporation\") and [[Advisor Name]] (\"Advisor\") as of [[Effective Date: Date]] (\"Effective Date\"). Company and Advisor agree as follows:  \n\n^ **Services**. Advisor agrees to consult with and advise Company from time to time, at Company's request (the \"Services\"). {{No Services \"Do you want to limit the advisor's services?\"  While this Agreement is is effect, Advisor will not provide services to any company active in the field of [[Noncompete Field \"What field should the advisor not participate in?\"]].}}\n\n**COMPANY:**\n\n[[Company Signatory Email: Identity | Signature]]\n___________________\nName: [[Company Signatory]]\nAddress: [[Company Address: Address]]\n\n\n**ADVISOR:**\n\n[[Advisor Email: Identity | Signature]]\n___________________\nName: [[Advisor Name]]\nAddress: [[Advisor Address: Address]]\n","title":"Advisor Agreement","parameters":{"Company Name":"ABC, Inc.","Effective Date":"1539662400000","Company Signatory Email":"{\"id\":{\"id\":\"6dd138a4-b0c2-4ba3-8305-58e1de0d7465\"},\"email\":\"openlawuser+1@gmail.com\",\"identifiers\":[{\"identityProviderId\":\"openlaw\",\"identifier\":\"openlawuser+1@gmail.com\"}]}","Advisor Name":"John Smith","Company Signatory":"Jane Davis","Advisor Email":"{\"id\":{\"id\":\"28e46837-c653-4e25-a6ce-7c39f05fa624\"},\"email\":\"openlawuser+2@gmail.com\",\"identifiers\":[{\"identityProviderId\":\"openlaw\",\"identifier\":\"openlawuser+2@gmail.com\"}]}","No Services":"false","Advisor Address":"{\"placeId\":\"ChIJWbGLkg9gwokR76ZxzYbdnpM\",\"streetName\":\"Main Street\",\"streetNumber\":\"123\",\"city\":\"Queens\",\"state\":\"New York\",\"country\":\"United States\",\"zipCode\":\"11354\",\"formattedAddress\":\"123 Main St, Flushing, NY 11354, USA\"}","Company Address":"{\"placeId\":\"ChIJWbGLkg9gwokR76ZxzYbdnpM\",\"streetName\":\"Main Street\",\"streetNumber\":\"123\",\"city\":\"Queens\",\"state\":\"New York\",\"country\":\"United States\",\"zipCode\":\"11354\",\"formattedAddress\":\"123 Main St, Flushing, NY 11354, USA\"}"},"paragraphs":{},"templates":{}}


const params = {
    'This **Advisor Agreement** is entered into between [[Company Name]] ("Corporation") and [[Advisor Name]] ("Advisor") as of [[Effective Date: Date]] ("Effective Date"). Company and Advisor agree as follows:  \n\n^ **Services**. Advisor agrees to consult with and advise Company from time to time, at Company\'s request (the "Services"). {{No Services "Do you want to limit the advisor\'s services?"  While this Agreement is is effect, Advisor will not provide services to any company active in the field of [[Noncompete Field "What field should the advisor not participate in?"]].}}\n\n**COMPANY:**\n\n[[Company Signatory Email: Identity | Signature]]\n___________________\nName: [[Company Signatory]]\nAddress: [[Company Address: Address]]\n\n\n**ADVISOR:**\n\n[[Advisor Email: Identity | Signature]]\n___________________\nName: [[Advisor Name]]\nAddress: [[Advisor Address: Address]]\n',
  title: "Advisor Agreement",
  parameters: {
    "Company Name": "ABC, Inc.",
    "Effective Date": "1539662400000",
    "Company Signatory Email":
    "Advisor Name": "John Smith",
    "Company Signatory": "Jane Davis",
    "Advisor Email":
    "No Services": "false",
    "Advisor Address":
      '{"placeId":"ChIJWbGLkg9gwokR76ZxzYbdnpM","streetName":"Main Street","streetNumber":"123","city":"Queens","state":"New York","country":"United States","zipCode":"11354","formattedAddress":"123 Main St, Flushing, NY 11354, USA"}',
    "Company Address":
      '{"placeId":"ChIJWbGLkg9gwokR76ZxzYbdnpM","streetName":"Main Street","streetNumber":"123","city":"Queens","state":"New York","country":"United States","zipCode":"11354","formattedAddress":"123 Main St, Flushing, NY 11354, USA"}',
  paragraphs: {},
  templates: {},

# downloadDraftAsPdf

Download draft as PDF file. (Note: The POST request here to download a PDF file of a draft is the same as the request above to download a PDF file of a template. You'll notice from the example form data that a draft includes more parameters that have been filled in by a user.)

Browser only

This request can be made only in a browser and not in a Node.js environment.

POST /download/contract/pdf

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Name Type Description
params Object Required. The object containing information about the draft to be downloaded.

Example form data

data: {"content":"This Advisor Agreement is entered into between [[Company Name]] (\"Corporation\") and [[Advisor Name]] (\"Advisor\") as of [[Effective Date: Date]] (\"Effective Date\"). Company and Advisor agree as follows:  \n\n^ **Services**. Advisor agrees to consult with and advise Company from time to time, at Company's request (the \"Services\"). {{No Services \"Do you want to limit the advisor's services?\"  While this Agreement is is effect, Advisor will not provide services to any company active in the field of [[Noncompete Field \"What field should the advisor not participate in?\"]].}}\n\n**COMPANY:**\n\n[[Company Signatory Email: Identity | Signature]]\n___________________\nName: [[Company Signatory]]\nAddress: [[Company Address: Address]]\n\n\n**ADVISOR:**\n\n[[Advisor Email: Identity | Signature]]\n___________________\nName: [[Advisor Name]]\nAddress: [[Advisor Address: Address]]\n","title":"Advisor Agreement","parameters":{"Company Name":"ABC, Inc.","Effective Date":"1539662400000","Company Signatory Email":"{\"id\":{\"id\":\"6dd138a4-b0c2-4ba3-8305-58e1de0d7465\"},\"email\":\"openlawuser+1@gmail.com\",\"identifiers\":[{\"identityProviderId\":\"openlaw\",\"identifier\":\"openlawuser+1@gmail.com\"}]}","Advisor Name":"John Smith","Company Signatory":"Jane Davis","Advisor Email":"{\"id\":{\"id\":\"28e46837-c653-4e25-a6ce-7c39f05fa624\"},\"email\":\"openlawuser+2@gmail.com\",\"identifiers\":[{\"identityProviderId\":\"openlaw\",\"identifier\":\"openlawuser+2@gmail.com\"}]}","No Services":"false","Advisor Address":"{\"placeId\":\"ChIJWbGLkg9gwokR76ZxzYbdnpM\",\"streetName\":\"Main Street\",\"streetNumber\":\"123\",\"city\":\"Queens\",\"state\":\"New York\",\"country\":\"United States\",\"zipCode\":\"11354\",\"formattedAddress\":\"123 Main St, Flushing, NY 11354, USA\"}","Company Address":"{\"placeId\":\"ChIJWbGLkg9gwokR76ZxzYbdnpM\",\"streetName\":\"Main Street\",\"streetNumber\":\"123\",\"city\":\"Queens\",\"state\":\"New York\",\"country\":\"United States\",\"zipCode\":\"11354\",\"formattedAddress\":\"123 Main St, Flushing, NY 11354, USA\"}"},"paragraphs":{},"templates":{}}


const params = {
    'This **Advisor Agreement** is entered into between [[Company Name]] ("Corporation") and [[Advisor Name]] ("Advisor") as of [[Effective Date: Date]] ("Effective Date"). Company and Advisor agree as follows:  \n\n^ **Services**. Advisor agrees to consult with and advise Company from time to time, at Company\'s request (the "Services"). {{No Services "Do you want to limit the advisor\'s services?"  While this Agreement is is effect, Advisor will not provide services to any company active in the field of [[Noncompete Field "What field should the advisor not participate in?"]].}}\n\n**COMPANY:**\n\n[[Company Signatory Email: Identity | Signature]]\n___________________\nName: [[Company Signatory]]\nAddress: [[Company Address: Address]]\n\n\n**ADVISOR:**\n\n[[Advisor Email: Identity | Signature]]\n___________________\nName: [[Advisor Name]]\nAddress: [[Advisor Address: Address]]\n',
  title: "Advisor Agreement",
  parameters: {
    "Company Name": "ABC, Inc.",
    "Effective Date": "1539662400000",
    "Company Signatory Email":
    "Advisor Name": "John Smith",
    "Company Signatory": "Jane Davis",
    "Advisor Email":
    "No Services": "false",
    "Advisor Address":
      '{"placeId":"ChIJWbGLkg9gwokR76ZxzYbdnpM","streetName":"Main Street","streetNumber":"123","city":"Queens","state":"New York","country":"United States","zipCode":"11354","formattedAddress":"123 Main St, Flushing, NY 11354, USA"}',
    "Company Address":
      '{"placeId":"ChIJWbGLkg9gwokR76ZxzYbdnpM","streetName":"Main Street","streetNumber":"123","city":"Queens","state":"New York","country":"United States","zipCode":"11354","formattedAddress":"123 Main St, Flushing, NY 11354, USA"}',
  paragraphs: {},
  templates: {},

# downloadDraftAsJson

Download draft information in a JSON file. (Note: The JSON file for this request only includes information about the draft, including its ID, title, alias (private name), creation date, and signatories. The file does not include the full draft content like the JSON file downloads for a template or contract.)

Browser only

This request can be made only in a browser and not in a Node.js environment.

GET /draft/json/:draftId


Name Type Description
draftId string Required. The ID of the draft to be downloaded.


GET /draft/json/cb3ba52ccd277f650859f60b9a4cf8284393827121e86861a6a79a61868f37ca


const draftId =

# Contract

# uploadContract

Upload a contract.

POST /upload/contract

Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8


Name Type Description
params Object Required. The object containing information about the contract to be uploaded.

Example params payload

  "templateId": "d76ede8ca437f6da06b1e09f115393318faf29fdc5bdaaf0b2e889886136edf4",
  "title": "Advisor Agreement",
  "text": "This Advisor Agreement is entered into between [[Company Name: Text]] (\"Corporation\") and [[Advisor Name]] (\"Advisor\") as of [[Effective Date: Date]] (\"Effective Date\"). Company and Advisor agree as follows:  \n\n^ **Services**. Advisor agrees to consult with and advise Company from time to time, at Company's request (the \"Services\"). {{No Services \"Do you want to limit the advisor's services?\"  While this Agreement is is effect, Advisor will not provide services to any company active in the field of [[Noncompete Field \"What field should the advisor not participate in?\"]].}}\n\n**COMPANY:**\n[[Company Signatory Email: Identity | Signature]]\n\n___________________\nName: [[Company Signatory]]\nAddress: [[Company Address: Address]]\n\n\n**ADVISOR:**\n[[Advisor Email: Identity | Signature]]\n\n___________________\nName: [[Advisor Name]]\nAddress: [[Advisor Address: Address]]\n",
  "creator": "8f26427b-0853-469b-a4f1-132190b7373e",
  "parameters": {
    "Company Name": "ABC, Inc.",
    "Effective Date": "1537426800000",
    "Number of Shares": "1000",
    "Years Vesting": "4",
    "Unit of Vesting": "250",
    "Company Signatory Email": "{\"id\":{\"id\":\"8f26427b-0853-469b-a4f1-132190b7373e\"},\"email\":\"openlawuser+1@gmail.com\",\"identifiers\":[{\"identityProviderId\":\"openlaw\",\"identifier\":\"openlawuser+1@gmail.com\"}]}",
    "Advisor Name": "John Smith",
    "Company Signatory": "Mary Davis",
    "Advisor Email": "{\"id\":{\"id\":\"38e0eb6b-0d52-4fd8-a77d-19686fd3843a\"},\"email\":\"openlawuser+2@gmail.com\",\"identifiers\":[{\"identityProviderId\":\"openlaw\",\"identifier\":\"openlawuser+2@gmail.com\"}]}",
    "Time of Vesting": "Yearly",
    "No Services": "false",
    "Advisor Address": "{\"placeId\":\"EiI5ODcgTWFpbiBTdHJlZXQsIE5ldyBZb3JrLCBOWSwgVVNB\",\"streetName\":\"Main Street\",\"streetNumber\":\"987\",\"city\":\"Brooklyn\",\"state\":\"New York\",\"country\":\"United States\",\"zipCode\":\"11201\",\"formattedAddress\":\"987 Main St, Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA\"}",
    "Company Address": "{\"placeId\":\"ChIJWbGLkg9gwokR76ZxzYbdnpM\",\"streetName\":\"Main Street\",\"streetNumber\":\"123\",\"city\":\"Queens\",\"state\":\"New York\",\"country\":\"United States\",\"zipCode\":\"11354\",\"formattedAddress\":\"123 Main St, Flushing, NY 11354, USA\"}"
  "overriddenParagraphs": {},
  "agreements": {},
  "readonlyEmails": [],
  "editEmails": [],
  "draftId": "8fecc55da4598a062b90b0837e7badb1c649af720ca6c1d65f9524edfffd240a"

You can also include the following optional param to disable email notifications that would normally be sent when the contract is ready to be signed and when signatures are confirmed:

  "options": {"sendNotification": "false"}


const params = {
  title: "Advisor Agreement",
    'This Advisor Agreement is entered into between [[Company Name: Text]] ("Corporation") and [[Advisor Name]] ("Advisor") as of [[Effective Date: Date]] ("Effective Date"). Company and Advisor agree as follows:  \n\n^ **Services**. Advisor agrees to consult with and advise Company from time to time, at Company\'s request (the "Services"). {{No Services "Do you want to limit the advisor\'s services?"  While this Agreement is is effect, Advisor will not provide services to any company active in the field of [[Noncompete Field "What field should the advisor not participate in?"]].}}\n\n**COMPANY:**\n[[Company Signatory Email: Identity | Signature]]\n\n___________________\nName: [[Company Signatory]]\nAddress: [[Company Address: Address]]\n\n\n**ADVISOR:**\n[[Advisor Email: Identity | Signature]]\n\n___________________\nName: [[Advisor Name]]\nAddress: [[Advisor Address: Address]]\n',
  creator: "8f26427b-0853-469b-a4f1-132190b7373e",
  parameters: {
    "Company Name": "ABC, Inc.",
    "Effective Date": "1537426800000",
    "Number of Shares": "1000",
    "Years Vesting": "4",
    "Unit of Vesting": "250",
    "Company Signatory Email":
    "Advisor Name": "John Smith",
    "Company Signatory": "Mary Davis",
    "Advisor Email":
    "Time of Vesting": "Yearly",
    "No Services": "false",
    "Advisor Address":
      '{"placeId":"EiI5ODcgTWFpbiBTdHJlZXQsIE5ldyBZb3JrLCBOWSwgVVNB","streetName":"Main Street","streetNumber":"987","city":"Brooklyn","state":"New York","country":"United States","zipCode":"11201","formattedAddress":"987 Main St, Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA"}',
    "Company Address":
      '{"placeId":"ChIJWbGLkg9gwokR76ZxzYbdnpM","streetName":"Main Street","streetNumber":"123","city":"Queens","state":"New York","country":"United States","zipCode":"11354","formattedAddress":"123 Main St, Flushing, NY 11354, USA"}',
  overriddenParagraphs: {},
  agreements: {},
  readonlyEmails: [],
  editEmails: [],
  draftId: "8fecc55da4598a062b90b0837e7badb1c649af720ca6c1d65f9524edfffd240a",

You can also include the following optional param to disable email notifications that would normally be sent when the contract is ready to be signed and when signatures are confirmed:

const params = {
  options: {sendNotification: false}


Returns a promise which resolves with the string ID of the uploaded contract.



# getContract

Get user's contract by its ID, which is a cryptographic hash of the contract.

GET /contract/raw/:contractId


Name Type Description
contractId string Required. The ID of the contract.
accessToken string The access token representing the requestor. If not specified, the current user will be used to determine who is the requestor.


GET /contract/raw/8fecc55da4598a062b90b0837e7badb1c649af720ca6c1d65f9524edfffd240a?accessToken=28394728947829374823723428742389462378423874




Returns a promise which resolves with a JSON object containing information about the retrieved contract, including its content.


  "parameters": {
    "Company Name": "ABC, Inc.",
    "Effective Date": "1537426800000",
    "Number of Shares": "1000",
    "Years Vesting": "4",
    "Unit of Vesting": "250",
    "Company Signatory Email": "{\"id\":{\"id\":\"8f26427b-0853-469b-a4f1-132190b7373e\"},\"email\":\"openlawuser+1@gmail.com\",\"identifiers\":[{\"identityProviderId\":\"openlaw\",\"identifier\":\"openlawuser+1@gmail.com\"}]}",
    "Advisor Name": "John Smith",
    "Company Signatory": "Mary Davis",
    "Advisor Email": "{\"id\":{\"id\":\"38e0eb6b-0d52-4fd8-a77d-19686fd3843a\"},\"email\":\"openlawuser+2@gmail.com\",\"identifiers\":[{\"identityProviderId\":\"openlaw\",\"identifier\":\"openlawuser+2@gmail.com\"}]}",
    "Time of Vesting": "Yearly",
    "No Services": "false",
    "Advisor Address": "{\"placeId\":\"EiI5ODcgTWFpbiBTdHJlZXQsIE5ldyBZb3JrLCBOWSwgVVNB\",\"streetName\":\"Main Street\",\"streetNumber\":\"987\",\"city\":\"Brooklyn\",\"state\":\"New York\",\"country\":\"United States\",\"zipCode\":\"11201\",\"formattedAddress\":\"987 Main St, Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA\"}",
    "Company Address": "{\"placeId\":\"ChIJWbGLkg9gwokR76ZxzYbdnpM\",\"streetName\":\"Main Street\",\"streetNumber\":\"123\",\"city\":\"Queens\",\"state\":\"New York\",\"country\":\"United States\",\"zipCode\":\"11354\",\"formattedAddress\":\"123 Main St, Flushing, NY 11354, USA\"}"
  "paragraphs": {},
  "content": "This Advisor Agreement is entered into between [[Company Name: Text]] (\"Corporation\") and [[Advisor Name]] (\"Advisor\") as of [[Effective Date: Date]] (\"Effective Date\"). Company and Advisor agree as follows:  \n\n^ **Services**. Advisor agrees to consult with and advise Company from time to time, at Company's request (the \"Services\"). {{No Services \"Do you want to limit the advisor's services?\"  While this Agreement is is effect, Advisor will not provide services to any company active in the field of [[Noncompete Field \"What field should the advisor not participate in?\"]].}}\n\n**COMPANY:**\n[[Company Signatory Email: Identity | Signature]]\n\n___________________\nName: [[Company Signatory]]\nAddress: [[Company Address: Address]]\n\n\n**ADVISOR:**\n[[Advisor Email: Identity| Signature]]\n\n___________________\nName: [[Advisor Name]]\nAddress: [[Advisor Address: Address]]\n",
  "signatures": {},
  "templates": {}

# searchContracts

List user's contracts based on search by title, alias (private name), and signatories.

GET /contracts/search


Name Type Description
keyword string Required. The search term to filter retrieved contracts. Leaving keyword empty (an empty string for apiClient) will return all contracts.
page number Required. Which group of contracts to display. Each group consists of pageSize contracts.
pageSize number Required. The number of contracts to display on page.
sortBy string Required. The way in which returned contracts are to be sorted: creationdate, privatename, or title.


GET /contracts/search?keyword=advisor&page=1&pageSize=10&sortBy=creationdate


apiClient.searchContracts("advisor", 1, 10, "creationdate");


Returns a JSON object containing the number of search hits and data for the retrieved contracts.


  "nbHits": 3,
  "data": [
      "id": "8fecc55da4598a062b90b0837e7badb1c649af720ca6c1d65f9524edfffd240a",
      "title": "Advisor Agreement",
      "creator": "openlawuser+1",
      "creationDate": 1537540029000,
      "privateName": "Advisor Agreement",
      "signatories": ["openlawuser+1", "openlawuser+2"],
      "signaturesDone": [],
      "executionState": "created",
      "hasPendingActions": true,
      "hasExecutions": false
      "id": "2dbbe1c23657f96d58de18ece4c0b311cc26fbca2551e8dc40d174af1046a00e",
      "title": "Advisor Agreement",
      "creator": "openlawuser+1",
      "creationDate": 1537391343000,
      "privateName": "Advisor Agreement",
      "signatories": ["openlawuser+1", "openlawuser+2"],
      "signaturesDone": ["8f26427b-0853-469b-a4f1-132190b7373e"],
      "executionState": "created",
      "hasPendingActions": true,
      "hasExecutions": false
      "id": "84a6b2cf1f197ffced3ec875e6e9b93246a4b0aa3be7e24ff6e718ef9fac50a7",
      "title": "Advisor Agreement",
      "creator": "openlawuser+2",
      "creationDate": 1537305436000,
      "privateName": "Advisor Agreement",
      "signatories": ["openlawuser+1", "openlawuser+2"],
      "signaturesDone": [
      "executionState": "running",
      "hasPendingActions": false,
      "hasExecutions": false

# sendContract

Send a contract to other users.

POST /send/contract

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Name Type Description
readonlyEmails Array<string> An array of users' emails who will have read-only access to the contract.
editEmails Array<string> An array of users' emails who will have access to edit the contract.
id string Required. The ID of the contract to be sent.

Example form data



  ["openlawuser+4@gmail.com", "openlawuser+5@gmail.com"],

# changeContractAlias

Change alias (private name) of user's contract.

GET /contract/alias/:contractId


Name Type Description
contractId string Required. The ID of the contract to be given a new alias.
newName string Required. The new alias of the contract.


GET /contract/alias/8fecc55da4598a062b90b0837e7badb1c649af720ca6c1d65f9524edfffd240a?contractId=8fecc55da4598a062b90b0837e7badb1c649af720ca6c1d65f9524edfffd240a&newName=Advisor%20Agreement%20Final%20Copy


  "Advisor Agreement Final Copy"


Returns "name changed" if alias was successfully changed.

# stopContract

Stop smart contract transactions that are pending for a user's signed contract.

GET /contract/stop/:id


Name Type Description
id string Required. The ID of the contract with the pending smart contract transactions.


GET /contract/stop/1ef233a92d01f16ec54f3330fd7783dcffbc86fac90ff75c4fae185db37b088b




Returns "contract stopped" if smart contract transactions were successfully stopped.

# resumeContract

Resume scheduled execution of smart contract transactions that were stopped for a user's signed contract.

GET /contract/resume/:id


Name Type Description
id string Required. The ID of the contract with the stopped smart contract transactions.


GET /contract/resume/1ef233a92d01f16ec54f3330fd7783dcffbc86fac90ff75c4fae185db37b088b




Returns "contract resumed" if smart contract transactions were successfully resumed.

# sendTxHash

Method used in connection with a contract signatory using own Ethereum account (including via MetaMask (opens new window)) to record an electronic signature and a contract ID, which is a cryptographic hash of the contract, on a blockchain network. Upon completion of that transaction for signing the contract, the transaction hash for the contract ID is passed back to the server for validation and record-keeping.

GET /contract/signature/sendTxHash


Name Type Description
contractId string Required. The ID of the contract.
network string Required. The name of the Ethereum network used for the signature transaction: Ropsten, Kovan, or Rinkeby. Support for Mainnet will be integrated soon.
txHash string Required. The transaction hash resulting from signing the contract with Ethereum account.
accessToken string The access token representing the signatory. If not specified, the current user will be used to determine who is signing.


GET /contract/signature/sendTxHash?contractId=703e3f8c6e91fc7ba35633974ea96acab4c29c5ef17300bd6f5651ee53338487&network=Rinkeby&txHash=0x7128943e9d7237c8624af233594052dcd1de79fdbdb1e667883f9f2d7cb282dc&accessToken=28394728947829374823723428742389462378423874




Returns a promise which resolves with the status of the signature event.


"signature + userId/contractId pair stored"

# getAccessToken

Method used to retrieve the access token of each signatory. Only the creator of the contract can call this.

GET /contract/token/:contractId


Name Type Description
contractId string Required. The ID of the contract.


GET /contract/token/703e3f8c6e91fc7ba35633974ea96acab4c29c5ef17300bd6f5651ee53338487




Returns a promise which resolves with the map of email -> access token.


  "signatory1@email.com": "28942389472398472894edaf23",
  "signatory2@email.com": "6ed32244238947239844edaf23"

# prepareSignature

Method used in connection with a contract signatory using own Ethereum account (including via MetaMask (opens new window)) to record an electronic signature and a contract ID, which is a cryptographic hash of the contract, on a blockchain network. Upon completion of that transaction for signing the contract and once the transaction hash has been sent back to the server for validation and record-keeping, the signature, network, and address of the smart contract associated with the transaction are also sent back.

GET /prepareSignature/contract/:contractId


Name Type Description
contractId string Required. The ID of the contract.
fullName string Required. The full name of the person signing.
accessToken string The access token representing the signatory. If not specified, the current user will be used to determine who is signing.


GET /prepareSignature/contract/703e3f8c6e91fc7ba35633974ea96acab4c29c5ef17300bd6f5651ee53338487?fullName=My%20Full%20Name&accessToken=28394728947829374823723428742389462378423874


  "My Full Name",


Returns a promise which resolves with the signature, network, and address of the smart contract associated with the signature transaction.


  "signature": "0x85fh946322957458934859038908903845ec5a7c4ad0f5c88e4076c65f3bb",
  "network": "Rinkeby",
  "contract": "0x481607326133f3dBC085d762dA587AE7196C63C6"

# signContract

Method used to let OpenLaw take care of the entire signature process. The OpenLaw protocol will prepare the signature, create and send a transaction, and keep track of its status.

GET /sign/contract/:contractId


Name Type Description
contractId string Required. The ID of the contract.
fullName string Required. The full name of the person signing.
accessToken string The access token representing the signatory. If not specified, the current user will be used to determine who is signing.


GET /sign/contract/703e3f8c6e91fc7ba35633974ea96acab4c29c5ef17300bd6f5651ee53338487?fullName=My%20Full%20Name&accessToken=28394728947829374823723428742389462378423874


  "My Full Name",


Returns a promise which resolves with the transaction hash associated with the signature.


  "txHash": "0xd415aae656fc08c39a32bcf4eadba6d98754f94a5a1fe82d4819cfbf15238393"

# loadContractStatus

Method used to retrieve the status of a contract, including the statuses of the contract's signature events and any smart contract executions.

GET /contract/sign/status


Name Type Description
id string Required. The ID of the contract.
accessToken string The access token representing the signatory. If not specified, the current user will be used to determine who is signing.


GET /contract/sign/status?id=873f5a548045b8407d76824d9d4a594bbed49bf7db95f9c39d6a07bce1637194&accessToken=28394728947829374823723428742389462378423874




Returns a promise which resolves with a JSON object containing information about the contract, including its signature events and any smart contract executions.


  "signatures": {
    "openlawuser+1@gmail.com": {
      "txHash": "0xf796c3a17a9df838bd18d434389a56574c1ef3771c4900b5b55a2b57ad8553d4",
      "errorMsg": "",
      "status": "success",
      "done": true,
      "network": "Rinkeby"
    "openlawuser+2@gmail.com": {
      "txHash": "0x8d00200c65f9d15c6c5e3000d7cf04cc5d573ab8f1d8e8d442a43263f74b2825",
      "errorMsg": "",
      "status": "success",
      "done": true,
      "network": "Rinkeby"
  "ethereumCalls": [
      "startDate": 1547060580000,
      "endDate": 1547060760000,
      "network": "Rinkeby",
      "description": "Payroll call",
      "calls": [
          "id": 0,
          "status": "the transaction has been added to the chain and successfully executed",
          "scheduleDate": 1547060580000,
          "startDate": 1547060594000,
          "tx": "0x09b252f309343426507f9539c0ed61214e63519ce8212b5e5136663038096040"
          "pendingCall": {
            "from": "[from address in the call]",
            "to": "[contract address]",
            "data": "[the transaction data (used to sign and send the transaction from MetaMask or other means)]",
            "erc712": {
              "type": "[the type definition from the function signature]",
              "typeName": "[the type name - e.g., MyFunctionNameCall]",
              "message": "[the data to sign (values for the type)]",
              "signature": "[if available, the signature]"

If the contract includes a smart contract execution that involves a delegated call, the object pendingCall will include data of the type described in the example above. If the call is not a delegated call, the object pendingCall is null.

If the call is delegated but not an ERC-712 call, the object erc712 is null.

# downloadContractAsDocx

Download contract as Word file.

Browser only

This request can be made only in a browser and not in a Node.js environment.

GET /contract/docx/:contractId


Name Type Description
contractId string Required. The ID of the contract to be downloaded.


GET /contract/docx/703e3f8c6e91fc7ba35633974ea96acab4c29c5ef17300bd6f5651ee53338487


const contractId =

# downloadContractAsPdf

Download contract as PDF file.

Browser only

This request can be made only in a browser and not in a Node.js environment.

GET /contract/pdf/:contractId


Name Type Description
contractId string Required. The ID of the contract to be downloaded.


GET /contract/pdf/703e3f8c6e91fc7ba35633974ea96acab4c29c5ef17300bd6f5651ee53338487


const contractId =

# downloadContractAsJson

Download contract as JSON file.

Browser only

This request can be made only in a browser and not in a Node.js environment.

GET /contract/json/:contractId


Name Type Description
contractId string Required. The ID of the contract to be downloaded.


GET /contract/json/703e3f8c6e91fc7ba35633974ea96acab4c29c5ef17300bd6f5651ee53338487


const contractId =

# Network

# getCurrentNetwork

Get the application level Ethereum network that has been set by an Admin user to be the default network for all signatures and smart contract executions (if no contract level network is specified in a template for the executions) performed on an OpenLaw instance.

GET /network






Returns a JSON object containing the name of the selected Ethereum network ("Ropsten", "Kovan", or "Rinkeby") and the address of the smart contract that handles the signature transaction. Support for "Mainnet" will be integrated soon.


{ "name": "Rinkeby", "address": "0x74de946322957ec5a7c4ad0f5c88e4076c65f3bb" }

# changeEthereumNetwork

Change the default application level Ethereum network used for all signatures and smart contract executions (if no contract level network is specified in a template for the executions) performed on an OpenLaw instance.


This resource can only be accessed by a logged in user with an Admin role as further explained in the toAdminUser method.

GET /ethereum/changeEthereumNetwork/:name


Name Type Description
name string Required. The name of the Ethereum network used for the signature transaction: Ropsten, Kovan, or Rinkeby. Support for Mainnet will be integrated soon.


GET /ethereum/changeEthereumNetwork/Rinkeby




Returns confirmation that the network was changed if successful.


"new network linked!"

# User

# searchUsers

List users based on search by name and email.


This resource can only be accessed by a logged in user with an Admin role as further explained in the toAdminUser method.

GET /users/search


Name Type Description
keyword string Required. The search term to filter retrieved users. Leaving keyword empty (an empty string for apiClient) will return all users.
page number Required. Which group of users to display. Each group consists of pageSize users.
pageSize number Required. The number of users to display on page.


GET /users/search?keyword=john&page=1&pageSize=25


apiClient.searchUsers("john", 1, 25);


Returns a JSON object containing the number of search hits and data for the retrieved users.


  "nbHits": 2,
  "data": [
      "id": "1ca57c56-e08c-48cc-8727-d516d6a8363c",
      "email": "openlawuser+5@gmail.com",
      "name": "John Doe",
      "role": "user"
      "id": "f0bf888a-1f45-4277-a6d0-a71bb95095ed",
      "email": "openlawuser+6@gmail.com",
      "name": "John Smith",
      "role": "user"

# toAdminUser

Change role of a user to Admin, which allows user to access additional features such as deleting and restoring templates, viewing the list of all other users, changing permissions of and deleting other users, loading a set of standard templates into an instance, and changing the application level Ethereum network.


This resource can only be accessed by a logged in user with an Admin role.

GET /users/toadmin


Name Type Description
userId string Required. The ID of the user to receive Admin role.


GET /users/toadmin?userId=f0bf888a-1f45-4277-a6d0-a71bb95095ed




Returns confirmation that the user role was changed if successful.


"f0bf888a-1f45-4277-a6d0-a71bb95095ed is now admin!"

# toRestricted

Change role of a user to restricted NoAccessUser, which prevents user from accessing a majority of the features of an instance, including editing templates.


This resource can only be accessed by a logged in user with an Admin role as further explained in the toAdminUser method.

GET /users/torestricted


Name Type Description
userId string Required. The ID of the user to receive NoAccessUser role.


GET /users/torestricted?userId=f0bf888a-1f45-4277-a6d0-a71bb95095ed




Returns confirmation that the user role was changed if successful.


"f0bf888a-1f45-4277-a6d0-a71bb95095ed is now restricted user again!"

# toStandardUser

Change role of a user to StandardUser, which is the default permission for a newly-registered user.


This resource can only be accessed by a logged in user with an Admin role as further explained in the toAdminUser method.

GET /users/touser


Name Type Description
userId string Required. The ID of the user to receive StandardUser role.


GET /users/touser?userId=f0bf888a-1f45-4277-a6d0-a71bb95095ed




Returns confirmation that the user role was changed if successful.


"f0bf888a-1f45-4277-a6d0-a71bb95095ed is now user again!"

# deleteUser

Delete a user.


This resource can only be accessed by a logged in user with an Admin role as further explained in the toAdminUser method.

GET /users/delete


Name Type Description
userId string Required. The ID of the user to be deleted.


GET /users/delete?userId=f0bf888a-1f45-4277-a6d0-a71bb95095ed




Returns JSON object containing the user ID and a page reload value which would be true if deleted user was current user and false if user was deleted by an Admin user.


  "userId": "f0bf888a-1f45-4277-a6d0-a71bb95095ed",
  "reload": false

# Address

# getAddressDetails

Method used as part of AddressVariable to get details about a selected address. An Address variable generates an address using the Google Maps API.

GET /address/details


Name Type Description
placeId string Required. The ID of the address (generated by the Google Maps API).


GET /address/details?placeId=ChIJWbGLkg9gwokR76ZxzYbdnpM




Returns a JSON object containing information about the selected address.


  "city": "Queens",
  "placeId": "ChIJWbGLkg9gwokR76ZxzYbdnpM",
  "state": "New York",
  "zipCode": "11354",
  "country": "United States",
  "streetName": "Main Street",
  "streetNumber": "123",
  "address": "123 Main St, Flushing, NY 11354, USA"

# searchAddress

Method used as part of AddressVariable and the Google Maps API to autosuggest addresses based on user input. An Address variable generates an address using the Google Maps API.

GET /address/search


Name Type Description
term string Required. The input term to filter returned addresses.


GET /address/search?term=123%20main%20street%2C%20new


apiClient.searchAddress("123 main street new");


Returns an array of JSON objects containing autosuggested addresses based on the input term.


    "address": "123 Main Street, Flushing, NY, USA",
    "placeId": "ChIJWbGLkg9gwokR76ZxzYbdnpM"
    "address": "123 East Main Street, Newark, DE, USA",
    "placeId": "ChIJA3nOmjqqx4kR05lfIoFkzXU"
    "address": "123 Main Street, Stafford, New York, USA",
    "placeId": "EigxMjMgTWFpbiBTdHJlZXQsIFN0YWZmb3JkLCBOZXcgWW9yaywgVVNB"
    "address": "123 Main Street, Lindley, New York, USA",
    "placeId": "EicxMjMgTWFpbiBTdHJlZXQsIExpbmRsZXksIE5ldyBZb3JrLCBVU0EiMBIuChQKEgnXf-_BajLQiRES468J8OrGLhB7KhQKEgk3wvxJHAnoiRG69TsslLduoQ"
    "address": "123 Main Street, New York, NY, USA",
    "placeId": "EiIxMjMgTWFpbiBTdHJlZXQsIE5ldyBZb3JrLCBOWSwgVVNB"

# Community Activity

# getCommunityActivity

List community activity events in reverse chronological order. Events include template edits, template creations, template comments, and new user registrations.

GET /recentActivity


Name Type Description
filter string Required. Filter recent activity using a comma-separated list of event types: TemplateHistoryUpdated, TemplateHistoryCreated, TemplateHistoryCommentCreated, UserCreated. Leaving filter empty (an empty string for apiClient) will return all activity types as if no filter were applied.
page number Required. Which group of community activity events to display. Each group consists of pageSize events.
pageSize number Required. The number of community activity events to display on page.


GET /recentActivity?filter=TemplateCreated%2CTemplateUpdated&page=1&pageSize=5




Returns a JSON object containing the total number of community activity events and data for each retrieved event.


  "nbHits": 100,
  "data": [
      "EventType": "TemplateCreated",
      "creator": "openlawuser+1",
      "timestamp": "2018-09-21T15:20:02.102772",
      "title": "Ridesharing Agreement"
      "EventType": "TemplateUpdated",
      "creator": "openlawuser+1",
      "timestamp": "2018-09-21T12:15:26.31683",
      "title": "Sample Agreement"
      "EventType": "TemplateUpdated",
      "creator": "openlawuser+1",
      "timestamp": "2018-09-21T10:58:59.412818",
      "title": "Advisor Agreement"
      "EventType": "TemplateCreated",
      "creator": "openlawuser+1",
      "timestamp": "2018-09-21T09:45:40.854215",
      "title": "Loan Agreement"
      "EventType": "TemplateCreated",
      "creator": "openlawuser+1",
      "timestamp": "2018-09-21T07:18:11.321141",
      "title": "Employee Stock Award"